entrepreneurs would pay thousands for training of this calibre, and even if you're one of the ones [like me] who struggle a bit with the Internet, it's all here for you in an easy-to-understand format, in plain no nonsense English." James
"Everything is set out clearly and in language that I can understand and this is from someone who can't programme a video! If I don't get the desired results with your course I don't deserve to succeed." Hilda
"We are both in our early fifties, and have tried everything, including affiliate programs, been on seminars, etc, all without any success whatsoever, spent possibly £5,000 and not made a penny, mainly because we have never had the full instructions that you provide... at last things are dropping into place." Phil & Debbie
"Thank you - I've tried a lot of things, but this, so far, is the first that has been a REAL step-by-step." Jayne
"I have been trying lots of biz ops over the last two years without success. They butter you up with all the promises, you get the package, digest it and then think to yourself, what the hell's all this about? You read it again and come to the same conclusion. Then you dismiss it as gobbledegook, or it's going to be either too complicated, too costly or it's a scam, so you just file it with the others. This is the first one that I feel is well explained, bags of info and extra bonus material, and your step-by-step approach is brilliant." Mike
"The way you present yourself and the way you simplify and explain the technical aspects of the Internet is refreshing, badly needed and frankly quite remarkable. I applaud you for this and I now fully appreciate why you are different and that you genuinely want to help guys like me succeed." Hugh Wheelan
"Brilliant, real easy to follow, just how I like things!" RM
"The information you supply is the most straightforward and down to earth that I have come across. Please keep this going, as there are a lot of us out here that need you." David Burns
"Geez, you're just awesome. You are the only one that makes things simple. All I need to do is get off my fat backside and do it!" Stacy
"We have subscribed to and joined lots and lots of things, attended seminars -but when you get home you are on your own. Lots of ideas and plenty of brick walls but never sure what to do next. Then we came across Jon Street; at last, here is a guy who can help you. Jon Street is amazing and we trust him 100%." Debbie & Phil
"I have paid for quite a few courses over the last couple of years and nothing comes close to this." Stuart Woods
"I can't believe my luck in finding you, you are my knight in shining armour. As someone says (I can't remember who) 'when the student is ready the teacher will appear.' How right they were, it's creepy. Everything falls into place - it really is incredible." Anne Fenwick
"Recently signed up for your Internet Income Detective which arrived on Saturday morning and I must admit I have not been able to put it down since. I must say that your IID is a breath of fresh air to me and look forward to reading them in the up and coming months." Paul Dimmock
"I would like to thank you for producing the Internet Income Detective. It really is excellent and I am pleased I subscribed. I have read every issue so far. Keep up the excellent work." PM
"I found the first issue extremely good reading. You obviously know what you're talking about." Bob Matthews
"Received your IID package at the weekend and was most impressed with a lot of the content. Keep up the good work. I know I'm going to like this!" Walter
"Jon, I did it! I made my first money online thanks to you. I used your affiliate idea and made exactly £1,200 in affiliate commissions. And that was in one day! Thanks for all of your support. I would have given up ages ago if it wasn't for you." Adam Sounders
"I've regularly pulled in £100 to £200 from ezine advertising thanks to your advice." Matthew Stanhope
"This is the business I have been waiting for. Something I can do quickly and knowingly. Thank you" Steven Kuypers
"What a relief it is to breathe sweet and fresh air, untainted by B.S. You tell it like it is, not like so many other so called Internet marketing "gurus". I have been burned many times, sucked in by the "next big thing", and pretty lies. Nobody EVER shows you how to do things step-by-step as you do, or dares to reveal the REAL moneymaking strategies. Quite simply, the little I have seen so far blows everything else out of the water. You are genuinely helping people to achieve their dreams and goals. Way to go!" Gordon Souter
"I have just joined the IID which I am truly enjoying. You really have put some awesome stuff together, which is very inspiring... I really felt like knocking it on the head after being bit so many times and getting nowhere, your Internet Income
Continued over...
"If anyone out there is looking to
make a serious income on the
Internet, then look no further
folks this is THE ONE!"
/ love to hear from the people I've helped to
make money online - here's a small sample
of the emails I've received...
"If anyone out there is looking to make a serious income on the Internet, then look no further folks this is THE ONE... no fluff, straight talking, no nonsense, I can't speak highly enough of it..." Bob Mac
"Anyone out there who is reading this... please do yourselves a REALLY BIG favour and listen to this... You will not be able to sleep as you will be so excited. You will have no excuses because nothing is left unsaid. You are given all the information you need. Don't get scammed anymore. This is the real deal." Ian
"I am absolutely convinced that anyone who applies their mind to your strategies cannot fail to make money." Lynda
"A teacher at the end of your PC, it's genius. And for a complete novice like me it's just what you want. I don't have one negative point to say. What can I say Jon, except it's amazing! You should be really proud." Tanya
"...Absolutely brilliant, just the thing that I am looking for to lift the fog from what seemed such a mysterious industry to me. Talk about over delivering, you're not kidding! I like how you keep things simple, as it would be very easy to lose me if you started to use any techno gobbledygook." Kevin Lockwood
"Everything is so much clearer now and makes so much more sense, I can't wait to get started so I am going to re-run the video and set up my own business by just following your instructions, so easy." Neil Gray
"At last an English voice telling me how to do it in England instead of an American telling me how to do it American style. I am making progress with your information as you intended it. Thanks very much again." Tony Crofts
"Your down-to-earth approach has to be seen to be believed. I am sure budding
Continued over...
Detective has put some fresh wind into my sails." Craig Bulman
"I would like to start by congratulating you on IID. It seems everything I hoped it would be. Just a perfect resource for any newbie, or someone like me who has been hanging round for ages, drowning in information." George
"You deserve all the praise you receive - and a whole load more! I'm truly enjoying this... I'm actually excited about achieving something real, after spending the last two years in the wilderness getting bogged down and wasting time on useless products that never worked - but which just made other people rich! I've learnt so much... can't thank you enough." Mike
"You've only gone and done it again! I love your matter of fact style. No fuss or fluff, just detail after detail delivered in your usual cheeky, easy and informative way that even an old technophobe like me can understand. Well worth the investment, excellent!" Nigel
"I would say it is the IDEAL library of info for any newbie wanting to be taken by the hand and shown how to make a few bob online. Your delivery and approach is unique, I wish you every success Jon." Gavin Mahon
"This is an amazing and probably the best course on the market that teaches you how to genuinely create your own internet info publishing business at almost zero cost. Down to earth - you bet - no fluff and no BS. The only way you can fail is by doing nothing." Geoff Johnson
"I've learnt so much (and still am) in such a short period of time that I'm absolutely delighted. So glad I subscribed. I believe you have undersold yourself-but I'm not complaining! With regard to the guarantee period Jonathan I can confirm now that I will definitely NOT be asking for my money back (I feel I should pay you more!) - I'm totally satisfied and strongly believe it is some of the best money I've ever spent! Furthermore, I can confidently recommend you and your products to anyone who is looking to make money online and wants decent, honest quality and value." Mike S
"Fantastic!! And congratulations. No punches pulled, and a fabulous relaxed style with none of the usual crap! You really convince me that you want us all to succeed. What a breath of fresh air. Thanks so much once again." Stuart Daglish
Just turn to page 23 of this report to sign up now!!
£200-£500 a month!
I'll share EXACTLY the same approach I use to
make hundreds - sometimes thousands -
of pounds every week online!
To illustrate the value of what you're getting for free, check this statement from my PayPal account showing my earnings from 23rd May this year: (it's like an online bank account; free, easy to set up and 100% secure - I'll show you how to set one up). Yes, I made £2,035.32 online in one day (count it up if you like!) - definitely not to be sniffed at!
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And I achieved this using an easy-to-follow technique I'm going to show you for free...
Okay, let's not get too carried away here - the chances are you won't make this kind of money in a day to begin with. I'm not going to promise you that. But think: even if you could make ONE TENTH of this in a single day when you get started -£203 - you could certainly start looking forward to a better quality of life...
And there's absolutely no reason why, once you gain in confidence, you can't have the occasional four-figure day too! Why not? After all - I'm going to show you EXACTLY what I do - step-by-step.
I want to be clear: information products cost nothing to create; you can use other people's work, there are no products to store, and nothing to ship. There's no admin to do, no sales copy to write, no payments to chase and no long hours sat in front of your PC or on the phone...
Please don't assume I'm some kind of computer wizard, or round-the-clock workaholic - I'm not... you'd laugh if you saw how I live day-to-day... to say I enjoy a lie-in is something of an understatement!
And the best bit: in case you were worrying, you don't have to be an expert in the subjects your information projects cover. I'm not! Nor am I a particularly good writer... But that's okay -you don't need to be either of these things...
You just raid existing works in the 'public domain' for FREE CONTENT!
Read The Fast Track Internet Income Plan! and I'll show you where to find a massive hidden stash of copyright-free books, articles and pages online that are there for the taking!
I'm talking about a practically unlimited source of free content on any subject you can think of: self-help, pets, magic tricks, fitness, investing, gardening, cooking, motor mechanics, basket-weaving; there's a huge mountain of ready-made content on the Internet that you can claim, repackage and sell on for as much money as you want - as often as you like. And it's all 100% LEGAL!
You don't have to be a good writer to do this. I'm not - I just grab what I
continued over...
I noticed there were hundreds of 'electronic books' for sale online known as 'eBooks' - you may have heard the term. They are usually bought and delivered over the Internet. The buyer 'downloads' the eBook directly to his or her PC and prints it off themselves. Don't worry - I'll explain how this works in your manual and CD-ROM.
Anyway - I thought these eBooks were brilliant. They offered to reveal the secrets of everything from "How To Attract Women"... to "How To Get Rid of Cellulite"... to "How To Win At The Races"... to "How To Get A Six-Pack Stomach..." to "How To Get Off A Speeding Fine Legally..."
You name the problem, someone was on hand to provide the solution INSTANTLY... for a small (and sometimes not so small) fee, of course.
These little electronic 'how to' guides are also known as 'information products' - and right now I've got more than 20 of them up online. They're being bought and downloaded all the time... even as you read this... and every time someone clicks to place their order - whatever time of the day or night it is - I automatically earn cash!
Each 'information product' makes me money when someone buys a copy online: sometimes £27... sometimes £97... sometimes more. It depends on the secrets you're giving away, and how valuable you think they are!
Now, here's where you come in: I've developed a PROVEN formula that I use to create these 'information products' quickly and easily - using someone else's work: then I sell them on the Internet using someone else's sales copy and, more often than not, someone else's website!
And here's the brilliant bit: I get to keep ALL of the money!
It's this precise formula I'm going to share with YOU - step-by-step, screen-by-screen in your FREE CD and manual: The Fast Track Internet Income Plan:
how anyone can set up a hands-free online business injust24hrs and make
continued over...
want from these hidden Internet stockpiles (by literally selecting the text and clicking 'copy') and then I 'paste' this content directly into an 'eBook' template I have set up.
Then I sell it online using sales copy I also swipe for nothing! It's easy, legal, and it works.
Seriously, in just 3 years - completely from scratch - my online businesses have paid for a very nice harbour-front apartment in Southampton. Nowadays, I work a few hours a day (part-time at most) I rarely struggle with bills, and want for very little.
I'm not saying this to show off-just to get across to you that this is one of the easiest ways to make money online, even if you know nothing about the Internet right now!
If this sounds like your kind of thing, why not let me walk you through you my simple, proven plan?
I'll take you, screen by screen, through the whole process... from researching product ideas... to cutting and pasting other people's content for free in the public domain... to 'swiping' the sales copy... to creating and putting up a website... to watching the money appear in my account from sales!
It's 100% legal. I'm talking about content that has slipped out of copyright and is available to ANYONE.
There's no complicated technical stuff; all the websites and payment systems are already in place - the order, delivery and money-taking processes are fully automated... you just check your account statement occasionally online - like I did on that one amazing day in May...
Seriously, nothing touches 'information products' for a quick-start, no-risk, no cost, no-brain, big return Internet moneymaker! Just look how many boxes this online home business ticks...
/ NO PRODUCTION COSTS - you can find content for free online (I'll show you where in your free manual and CD) - just copy and paste it into a special template (which I'll also show you how to create) -job done!
printing press with my arm in a cast...
I was desperate. I had no idea how I was going to bring in an income while my arm healed. I'd never worked in an office before and hated the thought of it. With bills starting to mount up I had to come up with something new - fast...
My brilliant solution: "make money from the Internet!" Well, it sounded so easy!
The thing was, I didn't have the first clue what to do or how these 'online riches' were going to magically materialise. I had some savings, so I bought a PC, plugged it in and just started messing about on the net.
It didn't take me long to find 'The Gurus' (the flashy online sales letters - you must have seen them) - and in my vulnerable position I fell for every 'get rich quick' line I read. I spent practically everything I had on various Internet moneymaking schemes, programmes, software packages, seminars, 'webinars', rights deals - you name it.
/ was so desperate to find something that worked I couldn't type my credit card details in fast enough!
All my savings went on chasing my new dream, "speculate to accumulate," I thought...
But nothing worked! Yes, I earned a few quid here and there, but nothing 'life-changing'. I was just about covering my bills but the only people I made rich were the 'gurus' themselves!
I felt cheated and misled. I was ready to give it all up and throw myself into the nine to five office slog...
Then, almost by accident. I learned how to make £19... £97... and even £127 - practically ON DEMAND!
My breakthrough came in late 2006 when I first hit upon the idea I'm going to share with you in your FREE manual and CD-ROM...
/ NO PRINTING COSTS - you can reproduce your information product in any quantity you want! Everything is electronic... you just email it to your buyer (you can set it up to be dispatched automatically, as you receive payment)!
/ NO STOCK COSTS - this is not a physical product you have to order and store at your expense until you find a buyer. It's one electronic file (like a Word document) that you email out to buyers (automatically, remember!) It takes up hardly any space on your PC!
/ NO POSTAGE COSTS, DELIVERY HASSLES OR DELAYS - your product is sent over the web. Your buyer sends you the payment online, and your product is dispatched immediately, electronically - any time of the day or night. It's exactly how you'd pay for something on eBay... only the money's coming to YOU!
/ NO PAPERWORK - your 'information product' is sent to your buyer on receipt of payment - and not before. The money you make is deposited DIRECTLY into a special account online called a 'PayPal' account, which is free, easy to set up and 100% secure. (I'll show you how!) You can then transfer cash from your PayPal account directly into your main bank account, online, any time you want!
/ UNLIMITED DEMAND - I'll show you how to find hidden 'niche' markets where people are desperate for information but they can't find it. These people WILL PAY YOU for your info product - and if you use some of the clever techniques I'll show you in the manual and CD, they'll actually pay you many times over!
/ HIGH PERCEIVED VALUE - this is NOT like selling a book on Amazon for £6.95. Good electronic information products can sell for between £19 and £247 a pop. Sell 10... 20... or even 50 of these in one day and you've tapped into a nice little channel of hands-free online cash!
/ GET CRACKING STRAIGHT AWAY - you can start using this easy 'make money from home' technique immediately you get my start up package! No training, seminar attendance or software required; my kit is all you need.
I'm waiting to send you your free copy of The Fast Track Internet Income
continued over...
I'm sick of Internet gurus charging the earth to reveal the secrets of making money online!
I had a rough time when I first started trying to make a bit of extra cash online... and I got badly stung on more than one occasion... maybe your experiences are the same as mine...
• Maybe you've spent money on various Internet 'cash generating' programmes... schemes, seminars, or bits of software in the past that haven't made you a penny
• Perhaps you really want to have a go at making money online - but every time you search for ideas on Google it feels like 'information overload'... maybe the Internet seems a bit complicated to you...
• Maybe you're fearful of who and what is lurking out there in the big bad online world... maybe you feel a bit out of your depth... a bit intimidated... maybe even secretly embarrassed by your lack of knowledge and experience of the Internet...
Don't worry - you're not alone... this is exactly what I went through when I started out.
You probably believe - like I did back then - that you need a certain amount of knowledge, experience or training before you can start making good money online. But let me tell you: if you believe this - you're wrong.
Take me for example...
I've had NO formal computer training, and I'm NOT a programming geek who understands the inner workings of the web!
The truth is, up until 3 years ago / didn't even have a PCI
Back in 2005 I was running a t-shirt printing business from a lock-up in Romford. I thought this was going to be my lot in life until, one day, I fell downstairs and broke my arm. Disaster! I couldn't physically pull down the
continued over...
Plan! - and begin your risk-free trial subscription to Internet Income Detective. All you have to do is say the word and I can set it all up... the quicker you let me know, the quicker you can start making money online!
Okay, you're probably waiting for the catch... here it comes...
To get your hands on a FREE copy of my manual and CD-ROM you must be one of the first 200 people to respond to this invitation!
This is NOT like the usual crummy over-hyped rubbish you'll find online.
What I'm offering you is the real deal: my PROVEN moneymaking formula, handed free to the first 200 home entrepreneurs to reply.
Fill in the priority reservation form at the end of this letter and send it back to me TODAY... let me help you create your own electronic 'information product' quickly, with next to no effort, risk and cost - so that YOU can start making regular, easy money online - even if you know nothing about the Internet right now!
I'm putting three years of research, know-how and moneymaking expertise virtually on a plate for you! I'll give you the tools and know-how to do it all - step-by-step from initial set up until you're ready to start selling your product online.
Remember, this is something you can leave running in the background -making money while you do whatever you want. You don't need any special software, previous computer experience or technical expertise... and you won't have to give up hours and hours of your free time...
And it's totally flexible. Start off with one product... then 2... then 10 if you want!
With just one information product online, you can generate a virtually automatic second income of £200-£500 a month - easily. That's a sizeable chunk of your mortgage paid at today's prices!
Two to three information products could mean your bills are taken care of too... maybe you can top up your savings account... or give yourself a nice little reservoir of 'rainy day' money you can hive off into a separate account for those cheeky little treats!
completely unsolicited.
I'm sure I can help you in the same way.
If you really want to generate a good second income from the web - in your spare time, in the evenings and at weekends -1 WILL DEFINITELY be able to help you achieve that.
But I have a small favour to ask of you in return...
When you claim your free copy of The Fast Track Internet Income Plan! all I ask is that you take a risk-free trial subscription to my Internet Income Detective newsletter.
This is not a 'hidden extra' - it's a no-obligation trial subscription to my main service and it's fully refundable at any time for up to 12 months! The CD-ROM and manual are free and yours to keep, no matter what you decide.
I'll be completely up front about this: my hope is that if my free gift helps you get your online business up and running... and helps you put money in your bank... if I can help you overcome the problems or objections that have stopped you doing this in the past, then maybe -just maybe - you'll continue as a subscriber past your first, risk-free year...
This is an absolutely genuine offer of FREE help to get you making money online
Please understand: you are under no obligation whatsoever. You could quite legitimately take one of my 200 Internet business set-up kits and ride off into the sunset to create your own online moneymaking empire.
With my manual and CD you could get set up in days and start generating cash on the Internet pretty much immediately.
I realise I'm taking a sizeable risk in giving you all of this for free without asking for much in return. But I'm more than happy to take this risk.
You see, I'm on a mission...
You'll laugh when I show you how easily and quickly
YOU can siphon regular amounts of £19, £97 and £127
from the Internet... using someone else#s work!
My goal is to make the world of online moneymaking easy and accessible for anyone - regardless of their Internet knowledge.
That's why, as well as your free CD-ROM and manual, I'm sure you'll really enjoy my newsletter, Internet Income Detective. Here you'll find lots more easy, proven online moneymaking ideas and plans that will compliment your £200-£500 a month information products business perfectly...
/ You'll learn lots of simple, effective techniques you can put into action alongside your information products in a few spare hours a week with minimal effort, knowledge and experience to add more streams of income to your up-and-coming online enterprise...
/ Every month you'll get a brand new full, 'from-scratch' Internet moneymaking blueprint for free... in each issue you'll get a step-by-step 'roadmap' showing you how to set up and run another lucrative online business from home. Like me, you could soon have your own multi-faceted Internet moneymaking empire... imagine that!
/ Plus you'll get a full, frank review in SIMPLE, PLAIN ENGLISH of the
Internet products, strategies and techniques ordinary British men and women are using right now and where these are working. I'll show you exactly how to you can get a piece of the action... if it's over-complicated claptrap, or money-swallowing, dead-end rubbish I'll steer you away from it!
I WONT confuse you with fancy Internet speak
or jargon., or waste your time with ideas
that won't make you money!
Everything I reveal in Internet Income Detective is something I've tried myself with MY OWN MONEY. Where I've made a profit I'll give you a step-by-step 'recipe' so that you can copy me to the letter. Where I've lost money I'll tell you why, and more importantly, how to avoid doing
continued over...
FINALLY! A straight-talking BRITISH bloke
who will show you how to REALLY
make £200-£500 a month online!
My name is Jonathan Street, and I run an information and advice service for people who want to make money online called Internet Income Detective.
Unlike many of the 'gurus' out there I'm not from California. I'm
not perma-tanned. I don't brush my teeth with Persil. I don't drive a
Porsche 911 Turbo drop-top and I don't have legions of Playboy bunnies at my beck and call (I wish!).
I'm an ordinary 25-year-old bloke originally from Romford in Essex. I like a good strong cuppa and I'm extremely partial to a sausage and chips takeaway. I'm about as far from being an Internet 'guru' as you could possibly get.
Please understand: I'm as fed up with all the over-hyped rubbish out there as you are. If you Google "Make money online" you'll see what I mean -thousands of shouty. aggressive sales letters full of technical jargon and marketing gobbledegook...
Fine if you're a go-getting Yankee-doodle hotshot with eight computers, the skin of an armadillo and a gung-ho attitude to making money... baffling beyond belief if you're the average Brit with limited Internet knowledge and technical experience!
But here's the thing: these opportunities to make money online from home DO exist... they're just deliberately dressed up to make them seem difficult and 'otherworldly' (and, yes, so that the gurus can charge you 'silly money'!)
Why I'm the best person to help you make £500 a month online in your spare time...
Over the last few years I've helped thousands of ordinary British men and women make sense of the Internet and make money online - who NEVER thought they could... you can read their testimonials in the enclosed four page pull-out in the centre of this report. They are all 100% genuine and
continued over..
the same.
This is the kind of thing you'll learn during your risk-free trial subscription to Internet Income Detective:
/ How to make a regular income from popular 'social' websites like YouTube, MySpace and Facebook... there are 'hidden' moneymaking opportunities here that no one else is talking about - the best bit is that they cost NOTHING to set up... I'll reveal all...
/ How to set up a brilliant little Internet home business in 24 hours for just £15... let me prove to you once and for all that you don't need to spend hundreds of pounds or wait ages to get started online...
/ How to build a website for £32 in 60 minutes... If you're just getting started and you want your own website, you probably don't have a big budget. So I'll show you how to get up and running using cheap and FREE resources, then 'upgrade' when the sales start coming in!
/ How to set up a brilliant 'money magnet' blog online in an hour, and
how to turn it into a fully automated Internet income stream in a week!
/ How to turn £200 into £15,000 within 3 months using something called "online renovation developing"... follow my step-by-step plan (you won't hear about this anywhere else!)
/ How to encourage visitors to your website to stay longer and buy -
even if you have no web design experience! I'll even show you how to make money WITHOUT ever building your own website!
/ How to use strategies like 'blogs,' affiliate programmes, and Google AdSense to make money online - even if you don't know what any of these mean right now... and how to make more money on eBay than most 'PowerSellers' - for less work... all will be revealed!
/ How to build a cash generating, 'set-up-and-leave' website in 7 easy steps - even if you're a 'computer novice' (NOTE: there are several traps most 'over-eager' beginners fall into... I'll steer you safely around them!)
/ How to get 1,000+ Internet surfers to pay YOU £10 a month each for
SOMEONE ELSE'S work... and how to get hundreds of companies to beg
can watch me setting this up at your own pace... and it's free!
So you see - if I wanted to charge you for a copy of The Fast Track Internet Income Plan! I could - easily.
But I'm not going to charge you for it...
And don't worry about being confused: I'll go through everything nice and slowly with you and I won't miss anything out!
You can pause the CD-ROM at any stage in time... or go back if you want to clarify anything. Follow my instructions at your own pace - and copy me as you go! I'll even give you my personal email address so that you can ask me any questions if you get stuck.
If you follow the simple steps I'll show you, you can expect to generate these regular sums of money (£19 - £127) pretty much automatically online - like I say, you won't even have to chase the cash!
Be prepared: some days you'll wake up to find you had a windfall overnight from your new Internet business...
On my best day recently I made £2,03532 (I'll show you proof in a second) -but it averages out. Most weeks I'll make a few hundred quid from sales - and let me tell you - this extra money is REALLY coming in handy at the moment! I'm sure it would for you too.
There's no limit to the number of 'set up in a day' businesses you can have online. Start with one... then add another... and another... with little additional effort! In 6 month's time there's no reason why you can't have 7-10 of these cash-generating Internet businesses up and running - provided you follow my instructions!
Listen, if you want to take advantage of my totally serious offer, you'd better get your skates on... I'll talk you through what you need to do in a moment -right after I've introduced myself...
you to sell their products online for a massive cut of the profits!
Take it from me: just one Internet moneymaking
idea can change your life FOREVER - without
taking up too much of your time...
Starting up an Internet home business is so enjoyable and hassle-free, you'll want to put a lot of effort into it, even though you won't have to... because money will be hitting your account whether you're sat at your computer or not!
Can you picture the effect this would have on your life?
It doesn't matter how old you are... how limited your knowledge is... how 'technical' you are... or how many times you've been 'burned' before!
Remember - I started in the same position that you are now. I knew very little about making cash from the Internet, aside from that I wanted to! When I started out I LONGED for someone to put everything into plain, simple terms for me.
All I ever found was overpriced, over-hyped nonsense and complicated techno-babble. If you've ever searched for ways to make money online, you'll know EXACTLY what I'm talking about!
I had to figure it all out for myself - and now that I have, I want to share my knowledge, advice and online home business ideas with you, for a whole year, risk free!
What would you pay for someone to help you set
up 12 or more guaranteed streams of easy
Internet income over the next year?
My normal annual subscription fee to Internet Income Detective is just £79.
Remember that includes reviews, brand new, step by step business blueprints and all the insights, advice tips and tricks I know you'll love. I publish this ten times a year. The only months I don't publish the newsletter are July and December. That's when I like to go on holiday. I really believe it's important to
continued over...
/ How to fully automate your online business so you can leave it
generating money for you in the background while you do other things -like sleep! Who wants to do a load of time-sucking admin after a long day at work? Well, you won't have to after I've shown you these 'hands-free' secrets!
I'm not messing about here. The information I'm going to share with you is incredibly valuable. If I were to charge for a copy of The Fast Track Internet Income Plan! I'd ask for at least £60, plus postage.
Let me give you a little perspective here...
• If you wanted to hire a web "professional" here in the UK to set up this online business for you it would cost you between £500 and £750! American Internet business legend Eban Pagan charges around £5.000 A YEAR to help you create and run this kind of home business from home... using the same secrets I'm going to share with you for FREE!
• It can cost upwards of £3.000 to hire a half-decent sales letter writer to help promote your business... but I'm going to teach YOU how to create a killer sales letter in one day using the world's best copywriters... without ever paying them a penny! (You don't have to be a good writer yourself- I'm not!)
• If you want to make big sales you also need to direct Internet surfers to your product's website. This is called "getting traffic" and there's a real knack to it. The product "Stompernet" helps people direct visitors to their websites -with success. But it's not cheap. It costs around £500 a month to subscribe to! I'll be walking you through the same techniques for free!
• The other way to get people to visit your website is to use something called Google AdWords - which is, essentially, buying advertising on Google. To get in the region of 1,000 visitors a week from AdWords you can expect to spend £500+ a week. I'll show you how to get thousands of visitors at no cost!
• If you wanted one-to-one time with an online business guru there are TONS of "get rich quick" Internet home business seminars out there you can go to. Top Internet entrepreneur Yanik Silver's seminars cost around £ 1.500 for two days... then you've got to get there! But my CD-ROM is better - you
continued over...
get your work life balance right - that's why many people start Internet businesses in the first place! Hopefully my guidance will help you on the road to making more of your time your own...
Now let me put that £79 annual fee into context... in the last few days I've seen one-day Internet seminars advertised for £495... two-day seminars priced at £1,500... I've also seen one-off Internet products claiming to "free you from the rat race" from anywhere between £98 to over £4,000!
(Remember, Internet Income Detective isn't a one-off: it's a FULL YEAR'S worth of risk-free tutoring, guidance and moneymaking advice...)
Now, I realise that £79 is a lot of money to shell out up front - particularly if you've paid for things before that haven't worked... but I don't want that to put you off from giving this a go.
So I'm going to give you a special HALF-PRICE first year discount. That means all you need to invest today to get everything I've outlined above, is just £37 (that's around 10 PENCE A DAY!).
And don't forget: if you're one of the first 200 people to reply to this letter you'll get my information products CD ROM and manual: The Fast Track Internet Income Plan: how anyone can set up a hands-free online business in just 24hrs and make £200-£500 a month! for FREE, as a special welcome gift.
I've already outlined the value of these online moneymaking secrets in this letter... but so that we're clear, if I were to SELL my manual and CD ROM separately, I'd charge a minimum of £60. But you're getting these for FREE with your trial subscription... and they are yours to keep, regardless of whether you stay on as a subscriber, or not.
Remember: there's no obligation... put me to the test for a FULL YEAR - risk FREE!
I'm keen to distance myself from the over-hyped rubbish, the slick sales patter and the here-today-gone-tomorrow snake-oil salesmen who stalk the Internet.
I want you to be completely happy with the online moneymaking advice and
Yes, you really CAN make up to £500 every
month online... without any technical knowledge or any experience of the web!
If you always thought that making money online was something other people did, prepare to be pleasantly surprised... here's what you're about to discover, step-by-step, screen-by-screen:
/ How to build a 'set-up-and-leave' Internet business in a day that can generate you a second income of £200-£500 a month - even if you have no technical knowledge!
/ How to quickly create (and own the rights to) a unique electronic product that will sell like hot cakes online... and you get to keep every penny! You can own more than one of these products if you want - there's no limit!
/ How to legally 'steal' other people's work online to make money for YOU... With one click of your mouse you 'cut' someone else's text -with another you 'paste' it into your template -job done... and NO laws broken! You don't have to write anything. Let me show you how this loophole works...
/ Where to find a free website to sell your Internet product on... (no, you don't have to build your own!)
/ How to find thousands of eager paying customers fast... I'm guessing you've never done this before - so I'm expecting some scepticism. But I guarantee you'll be amazed when you see how quickly the money comes in...
/ How to turn customers into loyal, hungry 'repeat buyers' who will keep paying you month after month... I'll show you how to get someone who has given you £27 to give you another £49... then another £19... then another £157... then another £97... This is quite possibly THE biggest Internet moneymaking secret out there - you'll learn it for FREE!
/ How to set up a hands-free payment taking system that will deliver regular cash directly into your bank account... nothing beats the feeling of checking your statement and finding that your balance has grown by another few hundred quid overnight — and this is so easy to set up! I'll show you how...
assistance I give you over the next 12 months. If you're not, then I don't deserve to keep your money - simple as that.
That's why, if at ANY time over the next year you're not convinced you can make regular money from my advice, just contact me and I'll refund your £37 immediately.
There'll be no questions... no quibbles... I won't give you a hard time over it.
That's a FULL YEAR'S money-back guarantee. I can't be any fairer than that.
My offer is genuine: if you're one of the first 200 respondents to this invitation you'll get a free copy of The Fast Track Internet Income Plan!
This CD-ROM and manual set is yours to keep with no strings or conditions attached - whether you stay on as a subscriber to Internet Income Detective or not.
I guarantee you won't get a better opportunity to
make £200-£500 every month online with as little
risk as the one I'm offering you today!
If someone had offered to help me set up a proven moneymaking online home business FOR FREE three years ago I would have snapped their hand off!
Believe me - if I could have avoided spending twenty grand to learn how to make good money online I would have. If someone had offered me this kind of instant leg-up for free, there's no way I'd have turned them down!
So look - if making a virtually hands-free £200-£500 a month online sounds like your kind of thing, you need to act FAST...
I've got just 200 CD-ROM and manual sets to give away. Your only chance of getting your hands on one is to fill in the reservation form on page 23.
Post it off to me today in the FREEPOST envelope provided (there's no need for a stamp). As soon as I receive your form I'll rush you your free manual and CD-ROM; and your very first issue of Internet Income Detective.
The sooner you do it, the sooner we can get cracking. And remember: if I
continued over...
of the first 200 people to put their hand up! If you are, I'll make you this promise:
In less than 4 weeks from today you'll be a part-time Internet entrepreneur making £200-£500+ a month online from home!
When you first get going you won't believe you can do this - as crazy as it sounds, you'll start with no product, no website, no sales copy and no idea...
But I GUARANTEE that, as long as you follow my simple instructions, in less than four weeks from set-up you'll have a £200-£500+ a month Internet home business that you'll hardly need to monitor at all...
Set it up - leave it running - get paid.
Does that sound like the kind of home business you'd like to run?
Well it gets better:
• You can start making money online within DAYS, even if you're not technically minded - you don't need to be a 'computer geek' to make £200-£500 extra cash a month from this easy online home business.
• And you won't have to chase the money - simply check your account every couple of days, and see for yourself as regular amounts of £19,
£97 and even £127 are deposited in by other people (I'll show you proof in a moment)...
Look, I don't expect you to take my word for it. I'm sure you've heard promises of 'instant cash' from the Internet a thousand times before. So why don't you let me SHOW you how this is done, step-by-step instead - at my cost?
Send off for your FREE Internet business start-up manual and CD-ROM today: The Fast Track Internet Income Plan: how anyone can set up a hands-free online business in just 24hrs and make £200-£500 a month! and let me PROVE something to you once and for all:
continued over...
don't live up to your expectations, you don't pay me a penny! Best regards,
Jonathan Street
Internet Income Detective
PS: I almost forgot! As well as your free CD-ROM, manual, monthly newsletter, access to my personal email address and Internet business blueprints; I'll also send you a free weekly email where I'll pass on up-to-the minute Internet business thoughts, analysis, tips and secrets...
You'd be hard pushed to find this much value for a 12 month, fully refundable £37... So find a pen, fill in the trial request form and send it back to me -FREEPOST - without delay!
PPS: Remember - there are only 200 free online business start up kits available - when they're gone, they're gone! Don't miss out on your chance to make an easy £200-£500 a month from this proven easy start-up business - claim your copy of my exclusive CD-ROM and manual The Fast Track Internet Income Plan: how anyone can set up a hands-free online business in just 24hrs and make £200-£500 a month! TODAY!
Please note: It is the publisher and editor's intention to be as accurate in fact detail and comment as possible. However the author and his publishers cannot be held
responsible for any error in detail or judgement whatsoever. The Internet Income Detective is distributed on this understanding.
Published by Canonbury Publishing Ltd, Postal address: Internet Income Detective,
Unit 1, Hainault Works, Hainault Road, Little Heath, Romford, RM6 5SS.
Tel: 0208 597 0181 Fax: 020 8597 4040
Registered Office: Canonbury Publishing Ltd, Curzon House, 24 High Street, Banstead, Surrey, SM7 2LJ. Registered in England No: 4765425 VAT Registration Number 811 5700 64
I'm sick of all of those slick Internet gurus charging silly money to reveal 'the secrets' of making money online... I'm fed up with the mountain of useless and conflicting information on the web that's just there to confuse you, overload your brain and leave you out of pocket.
I've seen far too many budding work-from-home enthusiasts - including close friends and family - scammed out of their hard-earned money chasing unrealistic dreams of 'instant wealth' promised by fast-talking Internet conmen.
Well all of that ends today.
I'm going to do something those Internet 'gurus' will NEVER do: I'm going to give away the secrets of a ready-made online home business worth £200-£500 a month... for FREE (but only to the first 200 people who respond to this invitation!).
I'm going to personally demonstrate how easy it really is to pocket regular payments of £19, £97 and £127 - or more - online, practically on demand... even if you've never tried any kind of online business before!
I've decided to give 200 people a quick set-up Internet home business practically on a plate. My manual and CD-ROM will show you, step-by-step, how to set up a clever Internet moneymaking business in a DAY - one that you can leave alone to generate cash while you do other things.
And I don't want a PENNY of your profits!
This move is going to put a few of those gurus' noses out of joint - but I don't care...
Too many of these so-called 'experts' want to try and baffle you with complicated jargon and techno-babble... but the truth is it's EASY for anyone to start making money online - £500+ a month - regardless of your prior knowledge and experience.
Now I realise that's easy for me to say...
And that's why I've decided to put my money where my mouth is and send you this easy-to-follow home business blueprint for FREE... as long as you're one
Your Risk-Free Trial Reservation Form
I want to get my hands on one of your 200 free manual and CD-ROM sets. I want to learn how to make £200-£500 a month online from my own "set-up-and-leave" information product. I'd also like to take a 12-month risk-free trial subscription to Internet Income Detective*.
Please send me my copy of The Fast Track Internet Income Plan: how anyone can set up a hands-free online business injust24hrs and make £200-£500 a month! along with my first bumper issue of Internet Income Detective, packed with online moneymaking blueprints I can follow easily and start profiting from straight away. I understand that if, for whatever reason at all. I don't wish to continue with my subscription at any time in the next 12 months I may cancel my bankers order with my bank. By informing you I will receive a FULL REFUND on my subscription fee by cheque. All the issues I receive are mine to keep.
On this basis please deduct £37 from my account. If I decide to renew my subscription after the first year I agree to pay the normal subscription fee of just seventy-nine pounds annually until I inform you otherwise. I can still cancel at any time and receive a pro-rated refund on the outstanding portion of my subscription.
I also wish to receive your free weekly Internet Income Detective email, filled with updates on your latest Internet thoughts, analysis, tips and secrets...
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Please note: I take your privacy extremely seriously. That's why I will never sell, rent or otherwise exploit your email address in any way. With your permission I would simply like to send you timely alerts between each Internet Income Detective issue.
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Ltd Registered Office: Canonbury Publishing Ltd. Curzon
House. 24 High Street. Ba'nstead. Surrey. SM7 2LJ.
Registered in England No: 4765425
VAT Registration Number 811 5700 64
"Look, I've had enough of Internet 'gurus' charging silly money to reveal the secrets of making money online../ so I'm going to give it all away for FREE - but only to the first 200 who respond../'
Here's what I'm waiting to send you - AT NO CHARGE:
A step-by-step manual that will show you EXACTLY how to pocket regular amounts of £19-£127 online... from initial set-up, right up to the moment you're ready to push the start button on this easy Internet cash generator...
A CD-ROM that you can watch on your PC at your own pace, where I will personally demonstrate, screen-by-screen, how to set this proven Internet moneymaking business up from scratch - even if you have NO prior experience of the web!
Fast Track
Internet Income
Fast Jrack
Internet Income
Dear Friend,
oday I'm going to prove to you - once and for all - that you really CAN make £200-£500 extra cash every month, online, from home, in just a few spare hours a week - easily... whatever your Internet knowledge!
If you're one of the first 200 people to reply to this invitation, I'll send you - for FREE - the details of a ready-made Internet business that you can set up in a day -with no money down - even if you've never tried to make money online before!
You see, I've finally SNAPPED...
continued over...
Finally! Proof that you really CAN make
£200-£500 extra cash, every month, online,
from home, in just a few spare hours a week -
easily... whatever your Internet knowledge!
How to build a 'set-up-and-leave' Internet business in a day that can generate you a second income of £200-£500 a month - even if you have no technical knowledge!
How to quickly create (and own the rights to) a unique electronic product that will sell like hot cakes online... you get to keep every penny! You can own more than one of these products if you want - there's no limit!
How to legally "steal" other people's work online to make money for YOU... With one click of your mouse you "cut" someone else's text - with another you "paste" it into your template - job done... and NO laws broken! You don't have to write anything. Let me show you how this loophole works...
Where to find a free website to sell your Internet product on... (no, you don't have to build your own!)
How to find thousands of eager paying customers fast... I'm guessing you've never done this before - so I'm expecting some scepticism. But I guarantee you'll be amazed when you see how quickly the money comes in...
How to turn customers into loyal, hungry 'repeat buyers' who will keep paying you month after month... I'll show you how to get someone who has given you £27 to give you another £49... then another £19... then another £157... then another £97... This is quite possibly THE biggest Internet moneymaking secret out there - you'll learn it for FREE!
Full details inside...
— z